About Molise

Molise is the second smallest region in Italy with a total area of 4,438 square kilometres. It is also the less known region in Italy, probably because of its young age, in fact, it has been established in 1963 when the previous region of 'Abruzzi e Molise' was split into two. Molise borders by Abruzzo to the north, Lazio to the west, Campania and Apulia to the south and east and to the Adriatic sea to the northeast. Molise has two provinces: Campobasso and Isernia. Termoli is the only major port of Molise and also the largest seaside resort of the region. From Termoli is possible to reach by ferry the famous Tremiti Island, that although belonging to Puglia region, are very close and easily reachable from Molise as well.

Molise can be considered one of the less known and one of the most unspoilt region of Italy. It is characterised by mediaeval hamlets and villages, well conserved castles and abbeys, archaeological sites and ancient ruins and also a wild and uncontaminated nature. Molise has been chosen by UNESCO for two of its Italian biosphere reserve.  Despite all these natural wealth Molise is far off the tourist track and conserves its original and traditional character, in fact the economy is mainly based on agriculture, sheep farming and craftsmanship.

Isernia owns the oldest and most extensive Palaeolithic settlement in Europe, it dates from 800-900 thousand years ago and occupy over 320,000 square feet. The site can be visited walking on suspended side- walks and it presents over 20.000 Palaeolithic artefacts.  The site has been discovered by chance in the 1978, during the works for the construction of the road from Isernia to Vasto.

Molise also owns the most ancient settlement spot in Italy, located on the Saraceno Mount in Pietrabbondante at 966 metres above the sea level. A truly magic spot, considered the most sacred gathering spot of the Samnites. Beside the stone ruins, there is also an ancient theatre, a temple a sanctuary  and on the mountain above also the remains of an even older stone defence wall. The place, despite its beauty and rarity is scarcely known and you can enjoy being there on your own, admiring the surrounding mountains and valleys and trying out  the eco acoustic effects of the site.
Another breathtaking place in Molise is Castel San Vincenzo characterised by a jewel like lake located in a high plain site, surrounded by rocky hills and forests. The village is also known for its beautifully restored Benedictine abbey dated back to the 9th-century likened by scholars to the monastery described by Umberto Eco in The Name of the Rose.

Molise still conserving its ancient country paths called tratturo. They might seem just simple dirt roads but have hundreds years of history. In fact, for centuries, they have been used by local shepherds to move their herds south to Apulia or to the Adriatic coast for the winter, in search of forage when the mountains where covered by snow. This annual exodus has actually its own proper name, transumanza. In Pescolanciano besides its castle with the well preserved drawbridge, is possible to walk on one of the most ancient tratturo in Molise, with origins that may go back as far as the 2nd century BC. This ancient pathway can take you down to the coast to Puglia region.
Other wonderful spots in Molise are the Monteroduni with its Pignatelli Castle, the ruins of the long-gone town of Aquilonia, Cerro al Volturno a rural town on the bank of a peaceful river, Agnone famous for its craftsmanship of bronze church bells, Trivento with its beautiful hearth reachable only through hundreds steps which are considered one of the longest flight steps in Europe, and Termoli the touristic town on the coast with its traditional fishermen village and the light house.